Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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Text File
386 lines
; .prefs to .cfg colour converter
incdir "binworld:includes/"
include "exec/memory.i"
include "exec_lib.i"
include "dos_lib.i"
; section converter,code
prefs_to_cfg: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(SP) ;stack!
move.l execbase,exec_base ;cache it locally.
move.l a0,command_line
move.l exec_base,a6
lea dos_name,a1
moveq.l #39,d0
jsr OpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,dos_base
beq.w quit
; allocate buffers
move.l exec_base,a6
move.l #1024,d0
moveq.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,cfg_file ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
move.l #1024,d0
moveq.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,prefs_file ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
move.l #1024,d0
moveq.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,in_name ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
move.l #1024,d0
moveq.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,out_name ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
; locate and copy the input name
move.l command_line,a0
cmp.b #$A,(a0)
beq.w show_syntax ;no inputs.
move.l in_name,a1
move.l out_name,a2
moveq.l #120-1,d0
find_in_name: move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b #'"',d1
beq.s begin_found
dbra d0,find_in_name
bra.w error_in
begin_found: moveq.l #120-1,d0
copy_in_name: move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b #'"',d1
beq.s end_in
move.b d1,(a1)+
dbra d0,copy_in_name
bra.w error_in
end_in: clr.b (a1) ;end of in name.
; locate and copy the output name
addq.l #1,a0 ;skip a " ".
moveq.l #120-1,d0
copy_out_name: move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b #$A,d1
beq.s end_out
move.b d1,(a2)+
dbra d0,copy_out_name
bra.w error_out
end_out: clr.b (a2) ;end of out name.
; read data from the .prefs file
move.l dos_base,a6 ;open the data file.
move.l in_name,d1 ;the name of the file.
move.l #Mode_Old,d2
jsr Open(a6) ;narsk.
move.l d0,file_hd
beq.w error_in_open ;file error!
move.l d0,d1 ;file_hd.
move.l prefs_file,d2 ;input address.
move.l #3*4*2,d3 ;the length.
jsr Read(a6) ;read.
move.l file_hd,d1
jsr Close(a6) ;click.
; create the .cfg file
move.l cfg_file,a0
move.l prefs_file,a1
move.l #"-bc0",(a0)+ ;background 0.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-bc1",(a0)+ ;background 1.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-bc2",(a0)+ ;background 2.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-bc3",(a0)+ ;background 3.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
sub.l #4*3,a1 ;bc -> wc.
move.l #"-wc0",(a0)+ ;window 0.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-wc1",(a0)+ ;window 1.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-wc2",(a0)+ ;window 2.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-wc3",(a0)+ ;window 3.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-sc0",(a0)+ ;sprite 0.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-sc1",(a0)+ ;sprite 1.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-sc2",(a0)+ ;sprite 2.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
move.l #"-sc3",(a0)+ ;sprite 3.
move.w #" #",(a0)+
bsr.w hex_to_ascii
move.b #$A,(a0)+ ;enter.
sub.l cfg_file,a0 ;a0 = the length.
move.l a0,file_length
; save the .cfg file
move.l dos_base,a6 ;open the data file.
move.l out_name,d1 ;the name of the file.
move.l #Mode_New,d2
jsr Open(a6) ;narsk.
move.l d0,file_hd
beq.w error_in_save ;file error!
move.l d0,d1 ;file_hd.
move.l cfg_file,d2 ;input address.
move.l file_length,d3 ;the length.
jsr Write(a6) ;write.
move.l file_hd,d1
jsr Close(a6) ;click.
bsr.w get_output
move.l #ok_message,d2
move.l #ok_message_end-ok_message,d3
bsr.w print_message
bra.w quit
; error messages
error_in_save: bsr.w get_output
move.l #e_save,d2
move.l #e_save_end-e_save,d3
bsr.w print_message
bra.s quit
error_in_open: bsr.w get_output
move.l #e_open,d2
move.l #e_open_end-e_open,d3
bsr.w print_message
bra.s quit
error_in: bsr.w get_output
move.l #e_in_name,d2
move.l #e_in_name_end-e_in_name,d3
bsr.w print_message
bra.s quit
error_out: bsr.w get_output
move.l #e_out_name,d2
move.l #e_out_name_end-e_out_name,d3
bsr.w print_message
bra.s quit
show_syntax: bsr.w get_output
move.l #syntax_msg,d2
move.l #syntax_msg_end-syntax_msg,d3
bsr.w print_message
; quit
quit: move.l exec_base,a6
move.l dos_base,d1
beq.s no_dos
move.l d1,a1
jsr CloseLibrary(a6)
no_dos: move.l prefs_file,d0
beq.s no_prefs
move.l d0,a1
jsr FreeVec(a6)
no_prefs: move.l cfg_file,d0
beq.s no_cfg
move.l d0,a1
jsr FreeVec(a6)
no_cfg: move.l in_name,d0
beq.s no_in_name
move.l d0,a1
jsr FreeVec(a6)
no_in_name: move.l out_name,d0
beq.s no_out_name
move.l d0,a1
jsr FreeVec(a6)
no_out_name: movem.l (SP)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
moveq.l #0,d0
; convert a hex value to ascii letter
; a0 = output (ascii).
; a1 = input (hex).
hex_to_ascii: moveq.l #3-1,d2
hex_to_ascii_I: move.b (a1)+,d0
move.b d0,d1
lsr.b #4,d1
cmp.b #9,d1
ble.s ascii_number_I
ascii_letter_I: sub.b #$A,d1
add.b #"A",d1
bra.s hex_to_ascii_II
ascii_number_I: add.b #"0",d1
hex_to_ascii_II:move.b d1,(a0)+
and.b #%1111,d0
cmp.b #$9,d0
ble.s ascii_number_II
ascii_letter_II:sub.b #$A,d0
add.b #"A",d0
move.b d0,(a0)+
dbra d2,hex_to_ascii_I
ascii_number_II:add.b #"0",d0
move.b d0,(a0)+
dbra d2,hex_to_ascii_I
; get the output pointer / print an message
get_output: move.l dos_base,a6
jsr Output(a6)
print_message: move.l d0,d1
jsr Write(a6)
; section stuff,data
exec_base: dc.l 0
dos_base: dc.l 0
dos_name: dc.b "dos.library",0
command_line: dc.l 0
prefs_file: dc.l 0
cfg_file: dc.l 0
in_name: dc.l 0
out_name: dc.l 0
file_hd: dc.l 0
file_length: dc.l 0
; error messages
e_save: dc.b "Unable to open the output file.",$A,0
e_save_end: even
e_open: dc.b "Unable to open the input file.",$A,0
e_open_end: even
e_in_name: dc.b "Error in input name.",$A,0
e_in_name_end: even
e_out_name: dc.b "Error in output name.",$A,0
e_out_name_end: even
; no conversion errors message
ok_message: dc.b "No errors.",$A,0
ok_message_end: even
; the syntax message
syntax_msg: dc.b $A
dc.b " Wzonka-Lad .prefs to VGB .cfg file converter v1.01",$A
dc.b " Copyright 1997 Ville Helin (30-May-97)",$A,$A
dc.b 'SYNTAX: prefs_to_cfg "[INPUT NAME (.PREFS)]" [OUTPUT NAME (.CFG)]',$A,$A
dc.b 0
syntax_msg_end: even
; the version string
version_string: dc.b "$VER: .prefs to .cfg converter 1.01 (30.05.97)",0